Profitable Blog Accelerator
A step-by-step beginners guide to build & launch a profitable blog with CONFIDENCE.
Profitable Blog Accelerator will show you how to start and launch a profitable blog...
If you've ever thought about how you can make more
money but don't know how...
Or, you've tried different ways to make extra money but nothing ever seems to generate enough money...
If you're tired of never being able to get ahead or treat yourself to nice things because you never have extra money...
You're not alone!
If you've always wished that something would just fall into your lap and give
you more financial freedom, then you're in the right place, my friend.
With The beginner's Profitable Blog Accelerator Program, I walk you through how to simplify the process so you can start MAKING MONEY, FAST!
I Made My First 3 Sales
Just 7 Months After
Launching My Blog!
As a complete beginner blogger, I was shocked that I started making money so quickly, considering that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing!
But is this the norm? Can anyone really make money blogging?
I'm going to share my journey with you on how I went from having absolutely ZERO blogging experience, to making money within my first year.
Below are screenshots of sales that I've made, from the FIRST digital product that I created.
I created a product 1 time, and it continues to generate sales for my business, EVERY SINGLE MONTH!
And, most of these sales happened while I was at work, sleeping, or spending time with my family!
I Had ZERO Experience Before Making Any Sales! I Was A Complete BEGINNER!
I have NO degree(s), NO blogging experience, and didn't have a CLUE about how to start a business (I didn't even know what a blog was, to be honest.)
I am NOT tech-savvy -- I had no idea how to run a business or how to build a website!
I made my first 3 sales just 7 months after creating & launching my FIRST digital product.
I have 5 different sources of income that
continue to generate sales for my business,
month after month...
This is to show what's possible, for YOU!
Below, are a few concerns that I had in the beginning, that you might also want to know...
The short answer to this question is, absolutely can make money from your blog.
Not only can you make money from blogging, but you can make a lot of it!
A lot of people are even able to retire themselves from their corporate jobs, as well as their spouses because their blogs are bringing in enough money to cover BOTH salaries (and then some).
There's a misconception that you need to be an expert, have a college degree, or have some type of credentials in order to help people online.
This is a myth!
You do NOT need to be an expert in order to teach people what you know and make money from selling your knowledge.
Another common myth is that blogging is dead and you can't make a living online.
Blogging might have changed over the years, but it's definitely still a very lucrative way to make money.
In fact, it's actually a lot easier to make money now than it was 10 years ago because technology has advanced so much.
Compared to a traditional business (such as a brick-and-mortar), you won't need to invest even a fraction of the cost, to maintain a blog.
All you need to invest in is computer software to keep your website running (no overhead costs.)
Starting a blog is by far the most inexpensive way to start your own business, with the potential to make 10x your money back within the first year.
Most bloggers are self-taught and have no business experience, whatsoever.
I had zero experience in entrepreneurship, marketing, or web design but I took a few courses, trial & error, and I'm still learning as I go.
If you can figure out how to play video games, pay bills online, and use a can figure this out!
This was my biggest concern as well...boy was I wrong!
In fact, if you choose a common niche that just means that there's a demand for it, and you will make money!
People like variety and they like hearing different perspectives from different people, so your unique voice & experience can help people solve their problems.
Being a good writer in the blogging world means, being able to type as if you're talking to a friend, in person.
Being yourself and getting the people who can relate to you, is how you will build a community of followers.
You can also outsource (hire a copywriter) your writing projects if you really don't like the idea of writing. Or, you can use social media, YouTube, or a Podcast channel to get y our message out there.
Another myth is that you need to have top-notch computer skills.
Everything I've learned so far in web design, marketing, and computer skills in general, is from starting a blog.
You will learn these things as you go -- all you need to get started is, basic computer knowledge, and a blogging course to teach you everything else.
Your blogging business can meet you right where you're at in your life, no matter where that is!
If you've ever dreamt of starting your own business, having more time freedom, and more money in the bank...blogging just might be the answer to your prayers.
This is your SIGN
that this is your TIME!
Just click on the enroll button at the bottom of this page, and PBA will show you the way!
If You Can You Relate To...
Then, you're in the right place!
Hi, I'm Kari
My blogging journey started in 2018.
I never expected to start making money from my blog, within my first year of starting.
I wanted to make money online, but I honestly didn't think it would happen so fast!
I think that most people just starting out, never really expect that they'll be able to make it work.
Most of us are just curious and want to give it a try, but when you actually start making money from your blog it really is life-changing.
And, I'm nobody special.
The year I started my blog I was a cake decorator working at a grocery store.
NO business experience...
NO degree...
NO special resources or connections!
I'm just an average girl, born & raised in California with not a single entrepreneur in my family to guide me.
I'm sharing this with you to show you that it's possible for YOU to make a living from an online business -- it does NOT require any special training or degrees.
All you need is a desire to make more money, a reason to start, and a passion for helping people.
I'm not saying it will be an easy ride, but it's definitely a ride worth getting on.
I've taken all the lessons I've learned, all the knowledge & experience I've gained, and I'm sharing it all with you inside of PBA, to accelerate your success.
There are many reasons why people start blogs, maybe you can relate to some of those reasons too...
Am I Right When I Say That You Want To...
1. Make more money
You're tired of money always being a factor -- vacations, treating yourself to nice things, paying your bills on time, or having the option to eat better, it all seems impossible because you barely even make enough to pay your bills.
2. Spend more time with your family
If you had more control over your time and income, would you spend more time with your loved ones? Does it feel like someone else is raising your kids for you, or that you only get to see your husband/wife when it's time to go to bed?
3. Work for yourself
You want to work for yourself so you don't have to answer to a boss, be told when you can take a break, only get 2 weeks out of the whole YEAR to take a vacation, and chase the weekends, only to go back to your mentally and physically draining job.
4. Wake up on your own terms
Waking up to an alarm clock makes you sick to your stomach, knowing that you have to start your day, no matter how you feel. You want that freedom to wake up whenever you want so you can take your time to enjoy the morning hours, rather than rushing to get to a demanding job.
5. Have more control over your life
Does it feel like you don't have much say about how you live your own life? Do you feel like your life is dictated by your job so you feel hopeless and out of control of your own life?
6. A more fulfilling life
Something is missing in your life -- you don't know exactly what it is but you feel like you're not living the life that you're supposed to be living. You're tired of waking up every morning to the same ol' BORING routine, over and over again.
7. Have financial freedom
Having financial freedom feels so far away because you've struggled most of your life. You want to know what it would be like to not have to check your bank account every time you want to buy yourself a coffee, or see how much you can afford to put into your gas tank just to make it to work for the week.
This was me, not that long ago.
I felt trapped in a job that I hated.
I wasn't really enjoying life because there was no time (or energy) to do the things that were important to me, because I work 40 hours a week.
I hate the idea of getting up at 5 am every morning, sitting in traffic for almost an hour to get to work (another hour back home), and finally getting home with just enough time to eat dinner, watch a little tv, then go to bed.
Can you relate?
This life started to make me feel depressed.
My dream is to be able to have the time and freedom to enjoy my marriage by going on vacations together, traveling the world, and not spending the little bit of time that we do have together, complaining about how bad our day at work was.
I knew there had to be more to life than this.
- I was tired of not being able to spend the holidays with my family because I had to work.
- I was tired of waking up to the same old boring routine, every single day.
- And I was tired of working for someone else and feeling TRAPPED!
It's no wonder why so many people suffer from anxiety and depression.
We weren't meant to force ourselves to wake up every morning at the exact same time every day and work 40 hours a week with people that we don't even want to work with.
We weren't meant to be trapped inside of a building 40 hours a week (or more), not able to take a break when we want to or eat a meal when we feel hungry.
Traditional jobs make it impossible to live our lives the way that we were intended to live.
We were meant to...
*Travel the world.
*Spend time with our family whenever we want.
*Take naps whenever we feel tired.
*Take our time to eat our meals, rather than only getting 30 minutes to scarf down our lunch.
We weren't made for the type of stress that our jobs put on us.
I wanted to change the way that I felt, so I started my own business...
In my first year of blogging (7 months into blogging), I MADE A LITTLE OVER $500 for the year.
In 2019, I quadrupled my income, bringing in a little over $400/month.
In 2020, I brought in a little over $1,000/month.
Now, I'm bringing in anywhere around $2,500-$3,200/month.
I know this might not sound like a lot of money to some people, but it's extra money that has allowed me to pay bills, sustain the momentum to make even more money, and help other people reach their financial and time freedom goals, too
And I'm not done yet! There's still more money to be made, and I'm going after it...
Are you coming with me??
I will teach you how to create a product that aligns with your skills & values, and teach you how to sell to people who are happy to pay you for your expertise.
I currently sell 3 workbooks, and 2 online courses, I run a membership site, I'm an affiliate for several different companies, and I also make ad revenue on my website.
There are multiple ways to make money from a blog...I can teach you how to have multiple income streams coming into your bank account, have fun doing it, and be yourself in the process.
Sales Reports:
These sales prove that it's possible for you to make money online too.
Although it doesn't seem like much, you can see that every year my income increases:
Monthly Membership Sign-ups:
My first four figures from this source:
Paypal Earnings:
***What it would be like to have time freedom -- to be able to spend more time with your loved ones, and not ever have to ask for permission to take time off.
***Not having to wake up to an alarm clock, sit in an office for 8 hours a day, just to feel drained and ready for bed when you get home.
That's no way to live your life!
Profitable Blog Accelerator is a course that is designed to help you build the framework for a blogging business that can give you that type of freedom.
Building a successful business will give you the life that you truly desire.
No more...
- Waking up to annoying alarm clocks
- Rushing to get to a job that you hate
- Needing permission to take time off
- Feeling trapped in a building for 8 hours a day
- Chasing weekends
- Only getting 2 weeks out of the year for vacations
- Checking your bank account before every purchase
A Blogging Business Can Provide You With More...
- Flexibility
- Time freedom
- Passive income
Profitable Blog Accelerator Course
My Profitable Blog Accelerator program is an online course with 10 modules that will teach you how to build and launch a successful online business.
- Start and launch a profitable blog.
- Build your website and start inviting visitors to see your work.
- Step-by-step video tutorials on how to get through all the techie stuff and design a website that fits your style.
- Ideas to help you brainstorm different ways to make money from your blog.
- Marketing strategies to help you build a blog that brings in traffic, and income, month after month.
- Create your own digital products
- Start a YouTube Channel, a Podcast, and market on social media
PBA will literally walk you through step-by-step how to start your blog, create your first product(s) to sell...all the way up to making your first $100 from your blog!
Profitable Blog Accelerator Includes...
10, In-Depth Training Modules
Profitable Blog Accelerator is for anyone interested in learning the strategies for starting and launching their own successful blogging business.
Your friends & family will think you just got a
degree in blogging after you graduate from PBA 🎓🎓🎓
Plus, You Will Also Get These 3 Bonuses, Absolutely FREE!
($497 Value!)
BONUS #1: Make Your First $100 Using a Tripwire ($97 Value)
Making money while trying to grow your business can make the difference between feeling discouraged and wanting to keep pushing forward.
In this tutorial, I will walk you step-by-step on how to create your first tripwire product so you can start making money right away.
BONUS #2: Start Your Own Blog Checklist ($17 Value)
Starting a blog can feel overwhelming when you don't know where to start or what you should be focusing on.
This checklist will give you confidence and guide you in the right direction so you know that you're getting all of the important tasks done, and accelerate your success.
BONUS #3: Free Blog Coaching Support Group ($297 Value)
In the free blog coaching support group, you will have access to me and other bloggers who are also looking to accelerate their business. I offer free blog coaching in this group, giving you the opportunity to ask questions.
This is an invaluable resource because it's a place to get free coaching whenever you feel stuck.
BONUS #4. Free Course Updates ($147 Value)
I strive to keep my course material up-to-date which means, anytime there are any changes I will update this course so you will have the most up-to-date information.
This Is A Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Start a Blog And Accelerate Your Success So You Can Start Making MONEY
If you enroll in The Profitable Blog Accelerator, you will get access to all 10 modules, PLUS these 3 awesome bonuses to compliment the course material.
PBA will give you the right tools, guidance, and the confidence that you need to accelerate your business, start making money, AND make a difference in your life, and in the lives of others! This is a golden opportunity to transform your life in ways you never even thought possible! Don't let it pass you by.
I'll make it even easier for you to jump on this opportunity, with my interest-free payment plan! (see details, below)